
12. 3. 2024

Gostili smo irske gorske reševalce s postaje Glen of Imaal Wicklow

Gostili smo gorske reševalce z Irske in skupaj pripravili mednarodno vajo na Vršiču.

Konec februarja in začetek marca smo gostili irske gorske reševalce iz postaje Glen of Imaal Mountain Rescue, ki so nam po našem lanskem obisku na Irskem tokrat vrnili obisk v Sloveniji.

Poleg skupnih izobraževanj in aktivnosti smo opravili tudi skupno vajo v primeru zasutja v plazu, iskanja in sondiranja ter spust po terenu z zimsko tehniko.

Vaja je potekala na vrhu Vršiča, sodelovalo je 9 irskih in 14 slovenskih gorskih reševalcev, reševalni pes ter štirikolesnik z reševalno prikolico.

Irskim gorskim reševalcem se lepo zahvaljujemo za obisk, izmenjavo znanj in pošiljamo pozdrave na Irsko do prihodnjega srečanja!


At the end of February and the beginning of March, Slovenian Mountain Rescue hosted Irish mountain rescuers from the Glen of Imaal Wicklow Mountain Rescue station, who, after we visited Ireland last year, returned to Slovenia this time.

In addition to joint training and activities, we also carried out a joint exercise in the event of being buried in an avalanche, searching and probing, and descending the terrain with winter equipment.

The exercise took place on the top of Vršič (Slovenia), with the participation of 9 Irish and 14 Slovenian mountain rescuers, rescue dog and a four-wheeler with a rescue trailer.

We want to thank the Irish mountain rescuers for the visit, exchange of knowledge and sending greetings to Ireland until the next visit!

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